《超人特工隊 2》再度出擊!英雄家族爆笑回歸

等足 14 年,迪士尼·彼思人氣動畫《超人特工隊》續集即將於 7 12 日面世,屆時勢
必勾起全球集體回憶,再掀熱潮!2004 年,首集上映時,不但於全球勁收 6 3 千萬

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT - In the midst of battling the Underminer villain, Violet protects her family by throwing one of her most super force fields yet. Featuring Sarah Vowell as the voice of Violet, Holly Hunter as the voice of Helen, Craig T. Nelson as the voice of Bob and Huck Milner as the voice of Dash, Disney•Pixar's "Incredibles 2" busts into theaters on June 15, 2018. ©2018 Disney•Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

憶。繼勇奪 2018 年金球獎「最佳動畫」-《玩轉極樂園》後,今年暑假,大家終於等
到另一部極受歡迎的王牌之作《超人特工隊》回歸!《超人特工隊 2》繼續由《超人
特工隊》及《五星級大鼠》兩屆金像得主畢布特(Brad Bird)執導,率領超能先生一家
再度出山,而萌爆 BB 積積更會大展身手,超能力震驚全球粉絲,令人萬分期待!
BB 積積,當然唔少得超級英雄界的 Fashion 猛人 E 夫人同 COOL 到爆的冰條俠啦!

SUPER FANS – In “Incredibles 2,” savvy siblings and business partners Evelyn and Winston Deavor summon Frozone, Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible to share a plan designed to ultimately make Supers legal again. Featuring Catherine Keener as the voice of Evelyn, Samuel L. Jackson as the voice of Frozone, Holly Hunter as the voice of Elastigirl, Craig T. Nelson as the voice of Mr. Incredible and Bob Odenkirk as the voice of Winston, Disney•Pixar’s “Incredibles 2” busts into theaters on June 15, 2018. ©2018 Disney•Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

彈弓女俠被打造成超級英雄界的人氣 KOL,爭取超級英雄合法化,希望有日能夠光明
庭主夫」的生涯。不,面家頭細,超能先生都要跪低他們更開始發現 BB
人!thumbnail (1)
片名: 超人特工隊 2
導演: Brad Bird
監製: John Walker, Nicole Grindle
片種: 動畫
日期: 2018 7 19

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